Thursday, December 16, 2010

Home tomorrow!

My little suitcase packed, tickets and passport ready, alarm clock set for 5am (!!!). Good night, sweet dreams, see you in Warsaw!!

Radio Nova

When you spend a couple of hours every day in front of the microscope and the only live particles in the room are some poorly interactive mouse eggs, that you just got out of her dead body, you find it pretty important to have a good background music coming out of the radio. I go on testing the stations one by one and so far my favourite is Radio Nova, on 101.5 fm. If you wanna check it out online, go here.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Keren Ann

A song I like today.

Keren's webiste is excellent too, have a look.



I just received my Velib' card which means that from now on 24/7 I can ride on one of 17000 bicycles available for public use in 1202 stations around Paris!
Each station has 15 or more bikes or spaces and paying a fee of 29€/year you are authorized to free bike rides for up to 30 minutes. Stations are not further than 300m from each other, so you can leave it wherever it's comfortable for you or exchange after half an hour for another one.
The system was introduced on 15 July 2007 after succesful pioneering programme in Lyon and is now the largest system of it's kind in the world.

La ville est plus belle à vélo :D

Monday, December 13, 2010


My mum and dad joined the blog!! Welcome family :D

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Photo from a cover of Salut ! by Pérrine Dorin

Bye Konrad

Thx for visiting, hope you enjoyed it! Come again soon!! :))

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Marché de la Bastille

I am lucky to have my apartment very close from Boulevard Beaumarche along which every Thursday and Sunday there's a market with fresh fruits and vegetables, seafood, cheese, bread, meat, mushrooms, nuts, honey and flowers. It's really good quality and a lot of local people come here for the good prices and professional service. Each time I have a hard time deciding on just one product. I go on tasting, the fish and cheese especially is soooo much better than what you can get in Warsaw.